A data mailbox enables you to send electronic documents to public authorities free of charge. Databox can be obtained for personal and business purposes.
From 01.01. 2023, it will be obligatory for all self-employed people (OSVČ) to have a databox and to submit their tax reports electronically. Because of this, it might be a good idea to arrange it now and get properly acquaintanced with it and how it works.
For people who already have a trade license, the databox will be registered automatically and they will receive the login details in the post between 01.01.2023 - 31.03.2023.
Temporary residency for EU citizens simplifies obtaining a personal databox.
Advantages :
- It saves time and money from post office fees;
- You can send the documents anytime online, you don’t depend on opening hours;
- No visits to the post office;
- All Czech authorities will contact you through your data box;
- You can apply your Income Tax and Light VAT forms electronically;
- Trade license holders can log in to government portals using their databox to check social security and tax payments;
You can register for Databox at any place that has a Czech point. Czech POINT can be found at most of the Czech Post offices, municipal authorities, notaries, and some embassies. The identity of the applicant is verified at the contact point according to the submitted document - most often an identity card or passport, residence permit or rent contract, visa sticker, or residence sticker, note with your ICO number and email
Most requests for the establishment of a data box of a natural person and a natural person engaged in business are processed on the spot and the applicant receives a confirmation of the establishment of a data box.
If you decide to set up your data box as a Trade license holder in the post office you should choose Czech point service on the screen then say at the window –
Chtěl bych zařídit datovou schránku pro Osvč
Here you can book your appointment for the Czech Point service before you go to the post office.
You should activate your databox within 3 days after you get your registration letter from the post office
Here you can find free video instructions for activation of the data box. Link for login after the activation: https://www.mojedatovaschranka.cz
If you recently established an S.R.O. company, the Datova Schranka will be automatically created for you.
To Jednatel of the company s.r.o., the Ministry of the Interior will send log-in details automatically after the company is registered. If there are more jednatels in one company s.r.o. Each jednatel will get his own Datové schránky account.
*If you forget the login details of your databox/Datové schránky, it can be reset at any Czech post office. You should bring your passport or any ID. The first password reset is free of charge, and each next password reset costs 200 CZK
The Czech databox password should be changed every 90 days but you can set up the password for an unlimited period of time.
From 01.01. 2023, it became obligatory for all self-employed people (OSVČ) to have a databox and to submit their tax reports electronically. The government will create it for each freelancer after they register their trade license. Login details to Databox are mailed to the one's registered home address. For those who don't have access to their mailbox, they can simply visit any local CZECHPOINT branch and request a login reset.
Databox registration is obligatory but using the databox is optional. You can always deactivate your databox if you don't want to have it under your trade license.
Having trouble logging into various government tax portals?
The Czech government required using a new databox from 1.1.2023 for businesses, but due to technical issues, login details may not have been generated and delivered to you as a Czech trade license holder.
If you never received a new databox login, request a login reset for the Business databox. If you had a databox before 1.1.2023 but can't log in to government portals, your databox is likely private and you should obtain login details for the Business databox.
NOTE: Make sure that you're applying for a reset of the second business databox details at CzechPoint, not the current one. Please, follow all the steps above and at the window you should say: