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Paid Parental Leave Benefits Calculator

In Czechia, new parents can apply for parental leave benefits after completing maternity leave. Applicants can receive a maximum of CZK 350 thousand for one child, or CZK 525 thousand for 2 or more children born at the same time. The maximum amount is determined by the overall income of the Family. Use this calculator to determine how much your family is eligible for, and how much you can get each month.

Parental Leave Calculator

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Full-time carers of newborn children can apply for parental leave benefits in the Czech Republic after maternity leave ends. Either parent can request parental leave as long as they provide full-time care over the entire calendar year. The child must not attend daycare / nursery / preschool. Further, the parent must be employed at the time of child-rearing, or an OSVČ (freelancer) voluntarily contributing to additional insurance. If on unemployment, it must be less than 180 days without employment. Unemployed applicants also must prove employment for at least 270 days over the past 2 years.
Maternity leave is a leave from employment starting up to 8 weeks prior to giving birth. Benefits continue up to 6 weeks after having the child. Families may also choose to transfer benefits to the other partner after this 6 week period. Meanwhile, the employer must keep the parent as an employee for the entire period (28 - 37 weeks). They also must return the employee to the same position afterwards. On the other hand, parental leave begins only after maternity leave. For the employer, parental leave involves a maximum period of 3 years. It also entails the same benefits as maternity leave, with amounts determined by the family’s income.
Parental leave entitles eligible parents to 70% of their regular salary in monthly installments. The maximum allowance for 2025 is CZK 350 thousand for one child, and 525 thousand for 2 or more. To claim multiple children, they must have been born at the same time. The maximum allowance is then based on the family’s income. This total amount remains the same over the leave period, while the parent decides how much to claim each month. The maximum amount of time a parent can claim parental leave is up to 4 years of the child’s life.
The minimum monthly installment for parental leave is CZK 13,000, up to a maximum of 53,910 per month. How much you receive monthly must be between these amounts. The total months must then equal your maximum parental leave allowance, for a maximum of up to 4 years.
Parents can apply to change the rate they receive in monthly installments during the process of parental leave. This will consequently change the total amount of months remaining on leave. The parent can apply for changes only after 3 months from the last rate change.
On parental leave in the Czech Republic, you can work or keep a business running without any limitations. There are no checks until the child is 2 years old, and nobody monitors for day care or changes in salary. Thus, how much you make during this period will not affect the amount of your benefits.
If either parent participated in sickness insurance prior to parental leave, they can choose the rate they receive it. The maximum amount is 70% of 30 times your average daily salary to calculate leave pay. This is from the day the child was born, and cannot be higher than CZK 11,500. There is a minimum of CZK 50 per month. The parent can then choose to change this rate once every three months.
If expecting another child before completing parental leave, you can change the rate at which you take benefits. In this way, you can still receive the maximum benefit for your first child (children) before the next is born. This is because parental leave only applies to the youngest child. If you have not fully taken your parental allowance, you lose the amount you had remaining to receive.
To apply for parental leave, EU citizens must prove their EU residency, or have permanent residency in the Czech Republic. This can be for example an active work contract, or a rental agreement. Applicants do not need to have a Czech residency permit, but they will require a document from the foreign police. They will also need the contracts to prove their stay here. For non-EU citizens, they must regularly update the Labour Office of any changes to their residency or visa. Foreigners from both groups need to have at least 1 year stay in the country before the child’s birth to ask for residency.
The Labour Office (Úřad práce) coordinates paid parental leave in the Czech Republic. To apply, the parent must submit the child’s birth certificate, the parent’s ID, and confirmation of eligibility for parental leave from the Social Security authorities. It is possible to apply electronically, via DataBox, by post, or in person.

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